Nobody can deposit excuses.
Most of us go through the majority of our days, weeks, months and years being comfortably complacent in our lives while still feeling unfulfilled. The biggest obstacle that keeps most people from achieving the life they dream about is their unwillingness to become comfortable at being uncomfortable.
How hard do most people work when their basic needs are met and they achieve a modicum of success? The reality is that most of us tell ourselves little stories that help to explain the reasons that our friends, colleagues, and competitors succeed while we continue to struggle. In the “Can’t Deposit Excuses” podcast we talk with motivated individuals to flush out the keys to being successful in business and in life with a focus on what makes the best of the best tick.
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"The Fourth Turning": Can't Deposit Excuses Podcast: Derek Wiley: Ep 16
More info on "The Fourth Turning" and other resources to check out:[+] Show More

It is all about a mindset shift.
On the “Can’t Deposit Excuses” podcast we talk with a variety of individuals who have found success in their careers, businesses, and lives in an attempt to dig deeper into who they are and how they got there. The common thread that seems to be universal amongst our guests is an attitude shift from thinking “inside the box” to “outside the box.” If you can simply make the mindset shift and start to view others as people vs objects in your daily interactions, there is a high degree of probability that you will see a fundamental change in your life and be open to the opportunities that are present in all our lives.
Our goal is to take a dive under the hood and talk in-depth with those that are having success or have demonstrated an aptitude toward adopting the behaviors required to reach the next level. We all face challenges in our personal and business lives and all too often we allow those challenges to become the excuses that keep us from reaching our full potential. The guests on our podcast are willing to let us step behind the curtain to hear their backstory, how they got to where they are today, and to have a frank and honest discussion about what they believe it takes to get to the life you are capable of living vs the life that many just accept.
I have a simple question for you. How would your life change if I said that you can do anything you want to do and no one can stop you or tell you no? Can you imagine the liberation of waking up and having an overwhelming feeling that no matter what you planned to do for the day, the week, the year or the rest of your life, you were going to be successful? What if every person you talked to said “yes” to whatever you asked of them in business and in life? Now, in reality we have no guarantees available, but the reason most of us don’t wake up with the attitude that anything is possible is because of the worst 4 letter word, “fear.” The fear of rejection, fear of ridicule, fear of failure are extremely powerful feelings that have a grasp on most of us. It is this irrational fear that holds many back from living the life they are capable of living. Fear is what feeds our excuses and those excuses are keeping you from reaching your life goals. So let’s have an honest conversation with those that have overcome that fear and those that are trying to starve it out because you can’t deposit excuses on your path toward living the life you are capable of living.